Use "wary|warier|wariest" in a sentence

1. Paula frowned, suddenly wary.

2. Be wary headed in, rodent.

3. Capybara are strong and wary.

4. He is wary of strangers.

5. She was wary of strangers.

6. Antonyms for Brashest include meekest, timidest, mousiest, shiest, politest, fearfullest, cowardliest, chariest, wariest and unsurest

7. What does Cagey mean? Wary; careful

8. He gave her a wary look.

9. They are wary of me, yes.

10. Be especially wary of using emotional blackmail.

11. Be wary about these so-called special offers.

12. The young tramp cast him a wary glance.

13. Synonyms for Broodier include cluckier, tenderer, more maternal, more motherly, more caring, dreamier, deeper, seriouser, loster and warier

14. She was wary of getting involved with him.

15. They were very wary about giving him a contract.

16. I'm a bit wary of driving in this fog.

17. So it behoves you to be wary when planting.

18. She had a wary expression on her face.

19. At first consumers were wary of e-banking.

20. Many companies are wary of their socialist leanings.

21. Careful definition is - marked by wary caution or prudence

22. And you would not need to be wary of me.

23. Still wary of another deception, Bruce meets George with skepticism.

24. Kennedy was understandably wary and disposed to explore other options.

25. Right away they were sparring, wary of each other.

26. Some common synonyms of Cautious are chary, circumspect, and wary

27. 20 Be wary of strangers who offer you a ride.

28. You should be very wary of people offering cheap tickets.

29. Some common synonyms of Circumspect are cautious, chary, and wary

30. He was a suspicious cat, wary of people getting pensive.

31. He was cautious of his footing, wary of the edge.

32. 17 The eyes behind the lenses were watchful and wary.

33. I tried not to tense up, or become obviously wary.

34. But people with wine experience usually are wary of such Blandishments

35. The Aethers are wary of them and seek to destroy them

36. A new elite corruptly took an ever greater share of the fruits of independence and outside investors became ever warier.

37. Be wary of agencies that claim the Caregivers are “independent contractors.”

38. 25 synonyms for Circumspect: cautious, politic, guarded, careful, wary, discriminating, discreet

39. ARRL VHF June 2021 Contest — Bone weary, Equipment Wary, Early Quitter

40. The teenagers Clumped in a corner, wary of spending time with adults

41. The Venetians knew to keep a wary eye on Spanish imperial ambitions.

42. A wary tiger flashes a toothy snarl in this extreme close - up .

43. 13 Wary of his manipulative skills, she agreed, on her own terms.

44. Cautious, wary, or shrewd: a Cagey reply to the probing question.

45. The strategy worked, for this warder became less wary around us.

46. 25 synonyms for Cautious: careful, guarded, alert, wary, discreet, tentative, prudent, vigilant

47. The strange look in his eyes made me wary of accepting his offer.

48. Stories such as this will only make people wary of buying Aboriginal art.

49. One is usually wary of text books which avoid the use of calculus.

50. The legal system is full of snares for those who are not wary.

51. We should be wary of using familiar Antagonisms to orient ourselves to it.

52. The United States, wary of nuclear war, secured a ceasefire on 25 October.

53. The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town .

54. But the Anthropic Principle should warn us to be wary of such arguments.

55. So it is important to be wary and study owls at a respectful distance.

56. 6 The strange look in his eyes made me wary of accepting his offer.

57. Henry Hyde of Illinois, who are wary of any attempts to amend the Constitution.

58. This tremendous, fish-attracting action, combined with the Buoyant's beautiful finish, creates a spoon that entices even the wariest of trout, salmon, walleye, pike, or bass

59. To provide anon - threatening way in to therapy for children wary of direct speech work.

60. The recent series of food scares has made people more wary of eating meat.

61. NB need to be wary of trying to offer too many services to customers.

62. A tricky political operative foxy implies a shrewd and wary Craftiness usually involving devious dealing

63. Synonyms for Circumspect include cautious, careful, guarded, heedful, wary, alert, attentive, canny, chary and considerate

64. Antonyms for Adventuresome include unadventurous, unenterprising, wary, prudent, cagey, circumspect, tentative, timid, hesitant and chary

65. 1933 tanks to China as Russia was wary of having Japan on its back door.

66. The young pedlar cast him a wary glance and apparently decided on practicality over valour.

67. I'm always wary of men wearing suits, as I equate this with power and authority.

68. Of course, the propounding may be very persuasive and the teacher needs to be wary.

69. 8 The young pedlar cast him a wary glance and apparently decided on practicality over valour.

70. Bidders are wary of the large amount of inter corporate lending in the company's book

71. Be stage series measure in succession by percussive country wary avoid not as good as.

72. The Tsar proved wary of replacing Stolypin with a leader committed to any firm legislative programme.

73. Borderers were wary of government, prone to violent family feuds, and not bothered by traditional morality

74. We urge a wary attitude towards US military-biological activities, about which we have spoken today.

75. 25 I'm always wary of men wearing suits, as I equate this with power and authority.

76. For some wary species, the community and its activities may provide a barrier to this movement.

77. However, many homeowners are wary of planting a Clover lawn because they are afraid of bee stings.

78. Be wary of relatively low advertised prices when choosing a company to host your Web site.

79. She was slightly wary of him in this city which for him was replete with memories.

80. First, the US Navy was wary of committing all of its forces to one major battle.